Thursday, April 14, 2011

Some Reflections About Acceptance

By Briscoe Pugh
For According to Me...By B

As we strive at each turn to realize our innate potential as beings of light and life, the duality of our existence is shown to us in stark terms.

Our every life-affirming process and intention is besieged by those forces bent upon feeding upon such organically occurring beauty without feeding it back.

Greed, arrogance and envy (amongst other things) infect every portion of the life and love cycle...unless acted upon with vigilance.

The key in my humble opinion is acceptance. The definition of the term which is most applicable here is twofold as I see it:

1) “To recognize as true.”
2) “To agree to undertake”

Acceptance acknowledges the power and fragility of the human vessel simultaneously...while also recognizing the seductive power of imbalanced destructive influences alongside the work to be done in developing past them.

In doing so, it also empowers he/she who engages in it with much needed clarity.

There is an engrained reflex of honesty in the process of acceptance. In acceptance we walk a straight path of non-avoidance and give ourselves the opportunity to earn the distinction of engaging in the evolutionary process in a way that is tangible.

It may at times feel that acceptance is unduly burdensome. I believe it should be...sometimes.

Acceptance like any true growth process hurts at times.

Much as our physical bodies are made stronger when subjected to some degree of resistance and discomfort, it is a must that we not allow the mental, emotional and spiritual processes we must develop our understanding of to atrophy.

I caution those who engage this process in a real way to not be swayed by misguided souls apt to take their acceptance as permissiveness. The difference in the two would be that in being permissive, one effectively relinquishes control and does not seek to affect either one’s self or circumstance in a positive manner. As those who do not or cannot distinguish observe either at work, many will presume it is all permissive and see weakness therein.

One who engages in acceptance stands firm on what he/she has acknowledged as what is true and actual and is not easily moved, but for the possibility of growth and progress.

So, my people...

I say,

Learn to accept, and then work to evolve.

Peace and progress

Thursday, April 7, 2011


By Celena Howaard
For The Sassy C~E~O

Ladies, Please beware of Prince “Charmin.”  No, I did not make a typo.  I said “Charmin”… in squeezable SOFT.  You see, Prince “Charmin” is the guy who melts your heart with his sad story of how he just can’t find a good woman because they don’t like nice guys, but instead settle for the no good thugs.  His story tugs at your heartstrings and has you rooting for the underdog.  And then… about three minutes into the conversation, it is revealed just why he is alone waddling in his own self-pity while cursing women for sleeping on a “good, kind, loving” brother like himself.  Now don’t get me wrong, there are definitely some genuinely good brothers out here who are being overlooked by women suffering from the temporary insanity which is the need to experience ‘thug love.”  However, in my ladies defense, the urge to experience that “ghetto love” that only a true thug can give usually does not go away until tested.  Unfortunately, the tests usually comes in the form of baby mama drama, bad credit, and let’s not forget those long visits at the correctional facilities.  As you can probably tell, I am so over thugs, but I still got the memories (ooohhh)…anyway back to the lesson at hand, keeping the ladies from falling for Prince “Charmin.”  First, you must know the types and there are many.  I have taken the liberty of naming a few for you: 

The Good Son – Sounds wonderful right?  We all want a man who loves his mother; if he is good to her then he will probably be good to you.  That makes a lot of sense; however, if he is a Prince “Charmin” he loves his mother so much that he refuses to move out.  He lives at home to “take care of” his mother even though she is the only one in the house with a job, car, and cell phone.    His room of choice is the basement, because he can bring his under-aged girlfriends in without notice.  Hey what woman over 16 wants to make love in a damp, musty, storage room right next to the water heater?  Then there’s The Messenger – I am all for spreading the good word.  As a matter of fact as a Christian, I feel that is a duty.  However, a Prince “Charmin” is a man over the age of 40, spreading the “message” in the form of rap.  Don’t get me wrong, if you have God-given talent and a need to express yourself through poetry, rap, or song, please do.  That is perfectly fine as long as it is a hobby or you are already established because at forty, your rap career should be going strong, or winding down, NOT starting up.  So unless you’re Kirk Franklin, please STOP!  Now let’s move on to The Afro-Cent-trick – this is the Prince “Charmin” who loves everything black as long as it benefits him.  He is the “I can’t get a job because of the white man, so please help a brother out” type of guy.  He is proud of his blackness because it is his ticket to do absolutely nothing.  His definition of black is Bob Marley t-shirts, dreaded locks and smoking weed from the motherland.  However, I have much love for my Afro-centric brothers who are filled with pride and making a difference in their communities by educating, employing and empowering our youth.  The brother that realizes that movement comes from hard work, and refuses to waste countless hours on video games, and music videos while waiting for their thirty acres and….oh yeah that damn mule.   Lastly, is The Cry Baby-Boy – This is the Prince “Charmin” who always wines about everything.  He constantly reminds you of how hard he had it growing up.  He lives in the past and refuses to be happy and move on.  He can’t keep a good woman because he spends countless hours telling her how bad his last woman treated him.  He has “trust issues” that you will always be held accountable for.  Without intense therapy and daily affirmations, he is a hopeless case. 

I hope that my break down has been helpful.  I am sure that most of you didn’t even realize that you were being a Prince “Charmin” Squeezable soft.  Just remember, there is hope.  To the truly good brothers out there; please be patient because anything worth having is worth waiting for.  To my ladies, no matter how good his story sounds, or how tempting it may be “please don’t squeeze the Charmin”.

FOR MORE TIPS, BREAKDOWNS, AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS – Please pick up a copy of my new book “BACK OFF – She don’t want your controlling, stalking, penny pinching, gossiping, pretty boy, psycho ass…”      (COMING SOON)

Friday, April 1, 2011

When Peter King Calls You “Rad,” It Isn‘t A Compliment

Briscoe Pugh
for According to me...By B

Recently, Rep. Peter T. King (R-NY) called for and held hearings on the “radicalization of American Muslims” in his capacity as chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. Rep. King’s viewpoints on the Muslim community in America became quite clear in the days leading up to the hearings.

The hearings themselves were based on assertions Rep. King has held for some time that,

-Muslim-Americans by-and-large have not been cooperative with authorities in preventative measures against terror attacks on American soil

-“85%” of Muslim mosques in America are presided over by radical clerics

-Most Muslims are encouraged in their mosques to ignore extremism.

All of the above comes on the heels of earlier commentary Rep. King made asserting that “there are too many mosques in this country.”

The fetishization of the popularized imagery of the "radical" or "extremist" has taken its place next to, yet opposite from the popular, imagery of the so-called "patriot". I am of the opinion that radicalization by its definition as a process enjoys no religious specificity. The extreme nature of any radical stream of thought is something which anyone is vulnerable to in my opinion. I believe that it is the pressure of extreme circumstances which can give rise to perspectives and agendas which might be labeled as "radical."

My opinion:

I believe it is unjust to marry radicalization or extremism to a singular dogma or to exclude any one dogma from any perceived, potential influence of extreme or radical thought.

When cherry picking in this fashion, I believe we serve to unjustly demonize certain groupings, while unduly glorifying others in comparison. I am GLAD Rep. King had these hearings.

Yes. I’m glad.

I’m glad because sometimes in moves like his (which are little more than him grinding that particularly large ax he has to grind with Islam) we are forced into certain conversations we might not normally have.

In having those hearings...and talking about them, we all may just be forced to examine on a tangible level just what actually causes radicalization. We might even have the hard truth revealed that unlike the popularized perceptions people like Rep. King love to cite and reinforce by their references to them, Islam is NOT a “violent religion”. You might be forced to examine Islam from the perspective of the larger prophetic Abrahamic tradition from which it springs.

This is part of a religious conversation I may visit again soon.

I digress.

In my reading of the (Merriam Webster) dictionary definition of the term “radical,” I discovered something.

One of the definitions listed is, “advocating extreme measures to retain or restore a political state of affairs”...

At the end of that particular definition, the parenthesized example given happens to be written as “the radical right”.

You’ll have to pardon me. I giggled to myself just a little when I read it and I think you might too.

My message here is simple.

It is a difficult thing to detect radicalization as those in certain authority tend to want to define it.

If you know a Muslim family and see the men are growing longer beards lately or speaking and/or learning Arabic (for non-Arab Muslims), gathering more publicly amongst those of the same faith and dressing in more culturally specific, Arab inspired and designed clothing, would this be a matter of concern or even fear for you?

Does this same alarm exist where one sees Hasidic families more visibly expressing their faith and culture?

What of Christian expressions of faith and how much of it has become politicized?

Each of the “Big 3” religious expressions can be interpreted to inspire and justify extreme (even murderous) behavior. Whenever one embraces a religious doctrine wherein prophets of which have called for murder and even themselves killed, and doesn’t qualify their reading of the doctrine with historical, social or political context, extreme behaviors from some amongst its faithful is inevitable.

The embrace of ANY religious faith is by its very definition “radical”. It demands an elemental change in one’s worldview and interactions as well as one’s motivations.

Other factors that people such as Rep. King do not examine which also lead to the “radicalization” he so fears have absolutely NOTHING to do with one’s religious beliefs.

Now, we happen to see with our own eyes the indignation and uproar in America if the masses are denied even mistakenly certain creature comforts.

(“WHAT??? Excuse me...but I ordered a LARGE latte and this is clearly a MEDIUM...”)

What if...

In an already poverty stricken country, a little boy who barely has enough to eat sees family members killed, kidnapped and/or brutalized at the hands of a despotic government and wealthy dictator whom has been armed, funded and endorsed by this thing he has known as “America”...then...

This same child grows older and sees armament and military might used against his own people by his own people at the behest of this same dictator...supplied by “America”... the time he matures into manhood, planes fly overhead...explosions kill everyone he knows and all news reports say that “America” has bombed “strategic targets” yet no mention is made of the neighborhood where he sifts through the detritus that used to be his family, friends,

What would you think if you were that boy?

What would you feel if you were that boy?

Would your anger be justified?

Would you have an issue with this entity called America that seems for all you have seen to wield the power of death with impunity?

I ask these questions for a very specific reason.

What in ANY of the aforementioned process I just cited (which is typical for what is happening all over the so-called “Third World” right now) is specific to a particular religious doctrine?

This young man is exactly the one an extremist organization would prey upon...and it is THEN that religion becomes distorted into a tool to manipulate angry, young people to kill.

It is this young man and those like him...products of strife in their environments and victims of long dismissive American foreign policy who are prepared for extremism and radicalization by an unwitting Western populace whom (out of fear via fear mongers, like Rep. King) supports by popular vote a legacy of xenophobia married to military might.

Now, let me be PERFECTLY CLEAR...

I categorically do NOT support murderous acts perpetrated for ANY reason...whether sanctioned by extremist religious movements...or governments.

Let’s be intellectually honest however, in what it is we brand wholesale as “radical” or “extreme” and what role religion REALISTICALLY plays in the process of radicalization.

Peace and progress, my people.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Cross-Over

By George Geeo Johnson

The cross- over appeal in hip- hop cannot be denied, because of this some say it is a greater unifier of different populations. Once upon a time created for the black youth on the street the reach has become worldwide. When I look at the audience now I see the majority of its consumers are non–black youths. Must I say to you now the corporations have snatched away the pure nature of hip-hop from the streets and took it all the way to wall-street?

The people who would tell you that the messages are filled with sex violence and drugs have no idea what this form of music could and should be. The music started off to challenge the system to be better to help the development of the youth. The fact that this genre of music contributes to 25% of record sales in the world alone creates power. The overall culture has been grabbed by the masses the sneakers the baggy clothes and the language have evolved into something no one expected.

Once upon a time in the suburbs you heard heavy metal and light rock from the non blacks now you hear what is now called hard core hip hop beating from CD players. My question to the artist and the corporations is this “How does this music originally for the poor youth who does not have a father growing up in the ghetto, who’s only source of what is going on outside of their neighborhood is the music he hears benefit him at all?” The music doesn’t even have appropriate female representation does this sound like hip-hop one female rapper getting all the attention? This I tell you people is the corporations of America capitalizing and who cares about the fallout.

When the music was in its early form the topics ranged from teen pregnancy to stop the violence to competitive rivalries over the origin of the art, black pride and education of the mind were things that were embraced. Once the art form was commercialized the message changed to fit the consumer. Now you hear party all the time, get high all night, and who needs an education you can sell drugs forever - look at me. Now the problem with this for the disenfranchised youth is they cannot separate the fantasy from the reality. The mother is a work or on drugs herself no father in the picture so no one is around to explain that this is not the way from him or her to go.

As a culture music influences our behavior and the black youth follow the culture which is the directions of the street. The teachers are the hip-hop artist and the students are the listeners of the music. The students who don’t live in the conditions spoken of can separate the truth from the false because they can turn of the music but the child who walks outside and sees what he hears daily this becomes their reality most of the time. There is an old saying if you knew better you would do better.

The majority of artist right or wrong give a message of self destruction and a rebellious lifestyle as way to get back at the system. This only leads to a life of crime and trips to state and federal institutions all this transcends beyond the music and affects the communities some people live in.

In conclusion one of the more positive aspects of this explosion in hip-hop is that some of the corporations who for so long ignored the marketing of the hip-hop generation now must hire be so they can profit from it. Look at McDonalds just to name one in that respect they have given back to the youth they are creating managers and higher up in there corporations. But when thousands of our youth are dying and being incarcerated for violent crimes before they can even have a chance to find out the importance of a human life. The corporations that profit have the ability to control what is sold to make it cool or not or to kill or to be a drug dealer or misogynistic or so damn homophobic; but will they ever?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dear Former Facebook Friends

By Carlita Campos
For Carlita's Way

Dear Former Facebook Friend,

I'm writing this letter to inform you that recently I clicked on your profile, scrolled down and clicked the "Unfriend" option. Yes, you've read this correctly, I'm cancelling the membership on our friendship.
You see there are a variety of reason's as to why I've come to such a very easy decision and in this letter I hope to outline as many as possible, but since this letter isn't for your eyes only I must be as concise and as brief as possible therefore I've compiled a list.

1.  You are a "friend" collector. And not the type or for the reasons so many of us collect the virtual strangers who inhabit the World, such as promoting ourselves or simply to spread joy. You simply collect friends to push your agenda and sadly I've learned you get pissed when your proselytizing falls upon blind eyes. Thus causing you to post negative remarks or anti-friendship statements on your wall to your friends in hopes of competing with me on a moral level. But here's a bit of information Former Facebook Friend, I don't claim to be morally better than you or anyone else so your attempts are petty at best.

2. You only chime in when you feel that your statements will have an effect on me or my friends. Again you Former Facebook Friend MY FRIENDS are not the types to be so easily swayed from their convictions just because a stranger can conjugate a verb and comment like you have a bit of education. FYI Former Facebook Friend - all of my REAL friends are "Bout it" and your insistence on trying to come off smarter than us is rather insulting since we don't run around flashing our degree's from either the colleges we attended or the streets we've mastered. We simply chose to let our words to resonate and allow people to agree or disagree.

3. And basically our political views are completely opposite I'm a Progressive who understands that no Capitalistic society can thrive without a Socialistic aspect where obviously your views are askew. So allow me to say this; if your reasons for being a Republican is to merely have tax breaks, no abortion, and no gay marriages then my dearest Former Facebook Friend your priorities and dare I say morals are wickety wickety wickety whack. Because the done deal Union busting, the aggressive war on women, the proposed cutting of medicare and social security benefits, the definite closing of public schools across the country and now the desire to remove food stamps from the kids of striking parents by your political party of choice is VILE, obscene and completely unAmerican which apparently you are too.

4. Inboxing me when you don't agree with my post is silly and uncalled for. Trust me, whatever I say I can and will defend for simply that is Carlita's Way. I may be Crazy Carlita but I'm certainly not stupid Carlita and anyone who knows me can attest to that with all confidence. And unlike you who must hide from a good debate, I will defend my position until the end which FYI doesn't always mean I must have the last word.

5. And read up my dear Former Facebook Friend quit being so damn obtuse, the entire World's financial burdens do not and I rewrite DO NOT hail from the USA housing market going belly up. How typically American of you to be so arrogant and thus uninformed. I say grab your passport and head out the country to a distant land AKA not a Caribbean resort. See the World and ask it's citizen's why their country is failing.

6. I also don't like the fact that you, like many people like you are more compassionate and concerned with the well being of people across the globe rather than to take a stand on the many issues that plague your own backyard. Yes the USA is home of the free but because you've got yours doesn't mean it's as easy for everyone else in the USA to get theirs.

So Now Read This my dear Former Facebook Friend in the end I deleted you out of my life because we aren't friends - we've never met, we have nothing in common - I don't try to make people see it my way, life is too short, and I find you not the type of person who is here to better society rather you are here to push your agenda and change compassionate people into the likes of ummm? Oh yeah - you. So good luck and Peace be with you. Then again, in the immortal words of your fellow spoiled rich kid you're so willing to forgive: Deuces.

Always Carlita's Way...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mourning the Memories

By Celena Howard
For The Sassy C~E~O

Over the last several months, I can honestly say that I have experienced just about every emotion known to man. From feelings of empowerment, courage, and triumph to feelings of failure, apprehension, and regret; I have had them all. However, through prayer and a good therapist, J I realize that these emotions are typical when going through transition. Therefore, I am learning to accept and use them as tools to fortify my character and strengthen my testimony. I used to be ashamed of not having total control over my emotions, and viewed my spontaneous crying bouts as a sign of weakness or an impending breakdown. (lol)

I remember one day in particular, I was enjoying an evening with my children as we talked, laughed and joked for hours. Feeling energetic and motivated, I decided to resume the cleaning and packing that I had started the previous day. I washed and wrapped my fine china, gently placing each piece in a box marked “fragile”. Then I opened up my large storage closet filled with dusty cobwebs and faded memories. I rummaged my way through, like a pirate searching through a treasure chest. I was caught off guard, as each object evoked a distinct emotion; some good, some bad, but all very powerful. As I sat in the middle of the floor, polishing away the dust and wiping away the tears, I realized that I was just as “fragile” as my china. I began to pray. After my conversation with God and a good cry (not the cute kind), I knew that everything was going to be ok.

If you are wondering to yourself, what tumultuous circumstance or chaotic set of events led me to my temporary meltdown, just remember this. It doesn’t matter if it is the death of a loved one, the ending of a marriage, or the loss of a job, transition can be difficult. So instead of beating yourself up for having moments of vulnerability, you should applaud yourself for moving through those moments, because mourning the memories is a normal part of your healing process. As long as you do not allow yourself to get stuck in a place of mourning, you should witness a healthy progression. I have heard many people say, “That which doesn’t kill you, will only make you stronger,” and as I sit here stronger today then I was yesterday, I would have to agree.

Monday, March 14, 2011

True "Centrism"

By Briscoe Pugh
For According to me...By B

Political and social divergence and the various ways each shapes and informs the other reflects the desperation of a world wherein people feel more and more comfortable speaking and dealing in absolutes.

True center has been lost.

If you happen to be what is deemed a “right winger” or identify most consistently with the perspective most readily recognizable as conservative, it has become something of a requirement now that you express a reflexive condemnation of everything even slightly left of that stated position. Though once only embraced by fringe elements of the conservative contingent, this reflex has been encouraged (largely by way of conscious neglect) by conservative leadership who rode the crest of a tidal wave of conservative extremism...which I tend to believe they found wasn’t as much fun once they fell off of it and the wave crashed into the shore.

Too many amongst the conservative family tend to have embraced a reflex whereby one “squares off” and “throws blows” in order to get the bloodthirsty (on either side) to cheer for someone to “win the fight” as opposed to addressing an issue so that problems may be solved.

It seems now to be considered a actual “virtue” by conservatives to find something...anything to make a lot of people afraid of, then jump on board while the rank and file load shotguns, light torches and quote bible verses in pursuit of their “foreign/radical/just plain NOT THEM” quarry.

For my liberal and/or “left-wing” brethren and sistren:

Many of us had been lulled to sleep. There was this idea that the ever-elusive, modern, manifestation of true “antidisestablishmentarianism” had somehow been realized by one incredibly articulate, hugely dynamic, ambitious “multi-ethnic” having been elected as U.S. President. So many of us were so busy basking in the euphoria of that moment that we’d forgotten to serve the purpose we are supposed to serve as human beings in a politically precarious landscape:

Speak truth to power and hold influence accountable.

Our absolute support for our brother and EVERYTHING he did or proposed drove too many of us into a wholesale denial reflex, wherein any opposition to him, his methods or his policies were seen as some sort of attack or affront to him as a person. This stance gained particular support when it was apparent that those on the conservative end of things WERE actually resorting to personal attacks and outright lies to somehow denigrate any policy he deemed necessary as President (a.k.a. “The Black dude now holding the bag after the heist”).

Let’s be clear that it isn’t safe as a practical matter to lavish one’s trust onto ANY U.S. President. By virtue of maintaining the positioning of the United States in the world arena, a U.S. President has to become a liar, thief and murderer by cold, hard necessity.

I can no more condone his actions simply because he looks a bit more like me than every other president than I can despise the totality of someone else’s because they look nothing like me.

He is indeed my brother...and for that reason I am all the more critical of him...just as I am with myself and my people.

He needs us...not as “yes people,” but as a check and balance to the conscience he campaigned for each of us to follow in terms of how we judge all who govern.

Yes, my people...I believe that euphoric acquiescence can be just as extreme as blind hatred.

I also find that too many of my beautiful people on the liberal side of things find it necessary (as conservatives do as well) to embrace “B.S.” ideological issues over (and often in direct conflict with) practicality.

I keep seeing a particular liberal commentator (whom I actually like) rail against the size of the ammunition magazines used by Jared Lee Loughner when he shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (and several others...some fatally) in Tucson in January. The issue he seems to have clung to is one those who seek more prohibitive gun legislation will often (erroneously) cite.

The issue I speak of is that which is raised about Loughner having had 30 round magazines for his Glock 9mm, semiautomatic pistol. The standard magazine that comes in the box with the weapon at purchase holds 15 rounds...which is typical of most standard size 9mm handguns.

To put it plainly:

Loughner would have been no less dangerous without the 30-round magazine (which is a popular aftermarket item). When dealing with a weapon which can be reloaded and readied to shoot in a matter of 2 seconds (even less with practice), there then exists no real difference between his 30-round aftermarket mag and the two 15 round mags which came with it.

Again...this is but one example of stupidity from what I see as a liberal reflex that loses its grip on practical matters by way of a conspicuous lack of information.

But, alas...

I think the world over the last few months has actually helped show the liberal family what it actually means to speak actual, relevant truth to power.

The rampant uprisings in the Arab world by the poor and the oppressed against machines put in place specifically to suppress the very rebellions they engage in RIGHT NOW is sending a message to those everywhere that

a) political power can be shaped by the people if they have the fortitude to COLLECTIVELY dissent and resist

b) financial backing and lobbying are NOTHING without the collective will of the people

The protests in Wisconsin, Ohio and Iowa on behalf of collective bargaining rights for public employee unions are perfect examples of this. (Note: I actually don’t believe that the actions and voices of those who protest in these states will be heeded ultimately. I personally believe the conservative establishment will run over EVERYTHING they propose, largely because the conservative establishment feels it has a point to prove by moving against unions and can always justify it in this struggling economy by quoting dollar amounts and framing the term “collective bargaining” as something inherently evil and corrupt.)

My point here is that the lack of a true “center” in socio-political discourse is causing the exchange to be inherently corrupt.

The only way to truly attack things from the center, to at least attempt an objective perspective is to acknowledge ONE crucial commonality:

Our collective humanity.

Once ALL parties in any discussion can do THAT...

That is, find our center by individually centering ourselves...we are actually having a discussion and not some battle of attrition.

Peace and progress, my people.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

When People Decide They ARE ‘God’s Wrath,’ What’s To Stop Them?

Briscoe Pugh
For According to Me... By B

I know that I have dealt with the issue of peoples’ perceptions of God before in our beautiful, little place here.

Here’s the thing...

As far as I’m concerned, this subject will continue to be the gift that keeps on giving as long as there are those who tie religion and their concept of God to their national identity and affect policy along those lines.

The subject of a woman’s right to choose has been in the news recently, among other issues.

Some conservative lawmakers have chosen to propose legislation in a certain state to make miscarriage a criminal offense.

In 2 other states, bills have been introduced wherein there is language that seeks to rule as justifiable homicide the killing of someone, whose reasonably presumed intent is to harm a fetus. The text of this particular bill authorizes the use of deadly force in defense of an unborn child.

I have several issues with this bill:

-The language in the bill itself is redundant and superfluous. An unborn child, while being a distinct being unto itself is still PART OF THE MOTHER who carries it. The health of a pregnant mother and her unborn child are inexorably linked. Each one affects the other. It is a basic biological fact that any harm that one inflicts upon the child will harm the mother (save for ONE specific circumstance, which I will address shortly).

-In order to bring harm to a fetus, one must inflict harm upon the mother carrying it. Any attack to either would prompt action that is already on the books as self-defense from the mother’s perspective.

-The one most specific scenario wherein the fetus would be in tangible danger but the mother is not necessarily, would be (wait for it)...during the abortion procedure...of course., in this latest push of an ideologically driven agenda, the extreme (so-called) Right seeks to open the door to anyone who believes a fetus is being harmed the right to take action by way of deadly force.

Might this become a license to kill abortion doctors?

Common sense is punching me in the chest by even asking that question.

Now, whatever your stated (or unstated) position might be in the pro-choice debate, I think it is important to consider that many of those who claim to be “pro-life” also seem to be markedly “pro-murder”, “pro-intimidation”, and ” pro-violence” in the heat of what they consider to be doing “God’s will.”

When one follows this legislation through to fruition, what happens with zealots who already believe they are justified in whatever violent actions they decide to employ in opposition to abortion, abortion clinics and all whom they employ? Are they now able to use this as a defense in a trial proceeding? Would a trial proceeding even be necessary, as long as it can be proven that they stopped an abortion in progress?

I am also driven to wonder about what the bill would make of a mother who smokes, and/or drinks during pregnancy or perhaps neglects pre-natal care for whatever reason and her unborn child dies. What about the mother who can’t afford proper pre-natal care and miscarries? What about pregnant, working, moms (which most are these days) who can’t afford to stop working (even on doctor’s orders) because they are the only income for an existing family and miscarries from overwork?

Would mothers also fall under the letter of the law as having murdered their unborn babies from what essentially are circumstances they cannot help?

This is the issue with legislating based on dogmas to which people are emotionally attached and religiously convicted.

This very same reflex that drove so many to support a certain state’s immigration legislation that ultimately does not actually support the (federal) immigration process already in place...but does intend to fill up jails with undocumented, Spanish speakers...

...jails which that particular state’s governor is working REALLY hard to privatize.

This same reflex also has people so angry and terrified of anything and anyone they might think is Arab or Muslim (which my people whom are even the slightest bit aware know are NOT the same thing mind you) or even non-Christian that legislation is also being introduced in some states to prohibit Sharia law.

You can’t see me right now, but I am laughing at that one. (lol)

Let us consider for a second that the majority of those who oppose this big, boogey man they are calling Sharia have what could be considered a fairly “loose” understanding of what Sharia actually is.
Let us also consider that even the examples they do seem to cite illustrating Sharia tend to point more to localized tribal customs that became fused with the Muslim communities interpretations of Islam and not actual, quranic mandates.

Let’s also recognize the fact that the U.S. Constitution ALREADY addresses both the “impending wave of Sharia law” as well as the opposition to such in the First Amendment:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

Basically, religiously based law is against the law, and restricting ANYONE’S individual expression of their religious beliefs is also against the law...according to the document so many who support the aforementioned examples of sanctioned xenophobia and extremism pay so much lip service to wanting to “get back to”.

The Constantinian influence on Christianity (amongst a great many other factors) helped to transform a prophetic tradition into one more means of social control endorsed directly by the state. When the state endorses a specific religious perspective (even if only by way of the proverbial "back door" of cultural norms), it is only a matter of time and consequence before the exclusion of all other perspectives becomes a mandate for personal and institutional legitimacy:

" nation under God..." in pledges of children’s' allegiance...

" God we trust..." on currency...while at the same time holding up "Old Glory" and proclaiming faith in "God AND Country..."

...pushing for prayer in schools, while condemning, harassing and attacking those who pray differently than what is deemed the societal norm...

I believe that it is these instances and those like them where we witness the crucible of human fears and insecurities spawning localized neuroses and making them acceptable and palatable...even preferred.

God help us...

Or better yet...

God help us to help ourselves.

Peace and progress, my people.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Game

By Celena Howard
For Sassy C~E~O

After being canceled for two years, "The Game" returned Jan. 11 with the premiere of its fourth season. The show was dropped by The CW in 2009 and was picked up early last year by BET.

I was a HUGE fan of the game as I found the show to be entertaining with the perfect combination of drama and humor. However, I must admit I have been dissapointed with the first few episodes of season four. I do however see the potential of things getting better (keeping my fingers crossed). My favorite couple of past seasons is Melanie Barnett and Derwin Davis. I rooted for their love to persevere and followed them through the ups and downs of their relationship. However, this season it appears as if they are making Melanie vendictive, manipulative, and maybe even a little money hungry. I understand jealousy and feel as though it should be addressed, but don’t let it destroy my sweet little Melanie. I still love Derwin’s character. After having some questions regarding the true paternity of his son, he showed heartfelt emotion and even forgave Melanie who wrestled with the decision to tell him the truth about getting bad DNA results and that his son was really his. He also emerged as a superstar player, getting numerous endorsement deals, including Nike, and becoming the new face of the Sabers organization, yet he remains humble. GO DERWIN!!

Another couple who brought fun dynamics to the show is Jason and Kelly. The show focused on Jason’s frugal ways and Kelly’s attempt to gain a sense of self. After dealing with some serious topics such as steroid use, finance issues, and distrust, the couple finally divorced. I am still feeling Jason’s character this season, he is too funny. I’m not sure about Kelly’s new role as a reality TV star yet, I need to see more.

Malik Wright, can you say TRAIN WRECK. I have always liked Malik’s character; a little cocky with a touch of arrogance and a hint of decency. Oh, and it doesn’t hurt that he is fine. I HATE the new direction that Malik’s character is going in. He was always cocky and arrogant, but it is now being overshadowed by obnoxious and uncompassionate behavior. He has turned into a real a**hole with an alcohol problem that is spiraling out of control. I miss the old Malik who use to have a sense of loyalty and respect towards his best-friend, who dated a woman who did not fit the public’s idea of beauty despite being teased about it, and who drew the line when Melanie tried to sleep with him by offering her some good advice and sending her home to work on her relationship with Derwin.

Another great character with a lot of spunk and attitude is Tasha Mac, a hard-working, dedicated, and driven business woman who tells it like it is. But for some strange reason, the writers decided to tag her with even more “ghetto” stereotypes. Don’t get me wrong, I am not judging my Black and Mild smoking sisters, but Tasha went from smoke-free to puffing on a mild…what the f@*k. And what about her much younger man Terrance? Ok, no comment on that, I am 40 something now so I don’t want to have to eat my words.

My final thoughts on THE GAME are that it has lots of potential because fans of the show have already fallen in love with the characters. However, if the writers change the characters too much and they lose a sense of authenticity, I can see a cancellation in the shows near future. I don’t think the show went off of the air because it was a bad show and that is why viewers wrote letters and protested to get the show back on. With that being said, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. If they keep the characters intact and create exciting new story lines that fit those characters, the show should have much success.


Melanie Barnett-Davis (Tia Mowry) - In season one, Melanie is a medical student who gave up the chance to attend John Hopkins School of Medicine to move to San Diego with her boyfriend Derwin Davis. In the season three finale, Melanie finally marries Derwin during a private ceremony and she eventually finishes medical school, but puts off doing her residency program to be a football wife.

Derwin Davis (Pooch Hall) - Derwin Davis is a wide-reciever for the San Diego Sabers and husband of Melanie Barnett. In the season two finale, he finds out his ex-girlfriend Janay is pregnant with his baby. In the season three finale, Derwin's son is born and he finally marries Melanie in a private ceremony.

Jason Pitts (Coby Bell) - Jason Pitts was the San Diego Sabers team captain and superstar wide receiver. He was married to Kelly Pitts, whom he divorced in season 3. Jason and Kelly have one child, Brittany Pitts. Jason officially cut from the Sabers so he becomes a correspondent on Benched, a sports news television series hosted by former NBA basketball player Chris Webber in season 4.

Kelly Pitts (Brittany Daniel) - Kelly Pitts is the ex-wife of Jason Pitts, mother of Brittany Pitts, and former President of the Sunbeams. Kelly and Jason divorced at the end of season three. At the start of season 4, it is revealed that Kelly is now a reality star, with her own show centered around the ex-wives of professional athletes.

Malik Wright (Hosea Chanchez)- Malik Wright is the San Diego Sabers superstar quarterback and the son of Tasha Mack. He considers himself a playboy and is quite cocky about it. He fired his mom, who was his manager, in season 2. In season 4, Malik is still a cocky, spoiled playboy who is sleeping with the wife of the Sabers' new owner (guest star Meagan Good). Malik gets arrested for assaulting a cop, sleeps with his best-friend’s girl, and has begun to drink heavily.

Latasha "Tasha" Mack (Wendy Raquel Robinson) - Tasha Mack is the mother of Malik Wright and starts off as his manager. Malik eventually fires Tasha. She starts her own management company, but dissolves it to join Irv Smiff Management (ISM). In season three, she falls in love with former NBA basketball player Rick Fox, who also works for ISM. Tasha gets fired from ISM, and dumps Rick, assuming that he knew all about Irv Smith's plans to fire her. Season 4 starts with Tasha as Derwin's agent. She is also dating a much younger man named Donté (played by 106 & Park co-host Terrence J).