Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dear Former Facebook Friends

By Carlita Campos
For Carlita's Way

Dear Former Facebook Friend,

I'm writing this letter to inform you that recently I clicked on your profile, scrolled down and clicked the "Unfriend" option. Yes, you've read this correctly, I'm cancelling the membership on our friendship.
You see there are a variety of reason's as to why I've come to such a very easy decision and in this letter I hope to outline as many as possible, but since this letter isn't for your eyes only I must be as concise and as brief as possible therefore I've compiled a list.

1.  You are a "friend" collector. And not the type or for the reasons so many of us collect the virtual strangers who inhabit the World, such as promoting ourselves or simply to spread joy. You simply collect friends to push your agenda and sadly I've learned you get pissed when your proselytizing falls upon blind eyes. Thus causing you to post negative remarks or anti-friendship statements on your wall to your friends in hopes of competing with me on a moral level. But here's a bit of information Former Facebook Friend, I don't claim to be morally better than you or anyone else so your attempts are petty at best.

2. You only chime in when you feel that your statements will have an effect on me or my friends. Again you Former Facebook Friend MY FRIENDS are not the types to be so easily swayed from their convictions just because a stranger can conjugate a verb and comment like you have a bit of education. FYI Former Facebook Friend - all of my REAL friends are "Bout it" and your insistence on trying to come off smarter than us is rather insulting since we don't run around flashing our degree's from either the colleges we attended or the streets we've mastered. We simply chose to let our words to resonate and allow people to agree or disagree.

3. And basically our political views are completely opposite I'm a Progressive who understands that no Capitalistic society can thrive without a Socialistic aspect where obviously your views are askew. So allow me to say this; if your reasons for being a Republican is to merely have tax breaks, no abortion, and no gay marriages then my dearest Former Facebook Friend your priorities and dare I say morals are wickety wickety wickety whack. Because the done deal Union busting, the aggressive war on women, the proposed cutting of medicare and social security benefits, the definite closing of public schools across the country and now the desire to remove food stamps from the kids of striking parents by your political party of choice is VILE, obscene and completely unAmerican which apparently you are too.

4. Inboxing me when you don't agree with my post is silly and uncalled for. Trust me, whatever I say I can and will defend for simply that is Carlita's Way. I may be Crazy Carlita but I'm certainly not stupid Carlita and anyone who knows me can attest to that with all confidence. And unlike you who must hide from a good debate, I will defend my position until the end which FYI doesn't always mean I must have the last word.

5. And read up my dear Former Facebook Friend quit being so damn obtuse, the entire World's financial burdens do not and I rewrite DO NOT hail from the USA housing market going belly up. How typically American of you to be so arrogant and thus uninformed. I say grab your passport and head out the country to a distant land AKA not a Caribbean resort. See the World and ask it's citizen's why their country is failing.

6. I also don't like the fact that you, like many people like you are more compassionate and concerned with the well being of people across the globe rather than to take a stand on the many issues that plague your own backyard. Yes the USA is home of the free but because you've got yours doesn't mean it's as easy for everyone else in the USA to get theirs.

So Now Read This my dear Former Facebook Friend in the end I deleted you out of my life because we aren't friends - we've never met, we have nothing in common - I don't try to make people see it my way, life is too short, and I find you not the type of person who is here to better society rather you are here to push your agenda and change compassionate people into the likes of ummm? Oh yeah - you. So good luck and Peace be with you. Then again, in the immortal words of your fellow spoiled rich kid you're so willing to forgive: Deuces.

Always Carlita's Way...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mourning the Memories

By Celena Howard
For The Sassy C~E~O

Over the last several months, I can honestly say that I have experienced just about every emotion known to man. From feelings of empowerment, courage, and triumph to feelings of failure, apprehension, and regret; I have had them all. However, through prayer and a good therapist, J I realize that these emotions are typical when going through transition. Therefore, I am learning to accept and use them as tools to fortify my character and strengthen my testimony. I used to be ashamed of not having total control over my emotions, and viewed my spontaneous crying bouts as a sign of weakness or an impending breakdown. (lol)

I remember one day in particular, I was enjoying an evening with my children as we talked, laughed and joked for hours. Feeling energetic and motivated, I decided to resume the cleaning and packing that I had started the previous day. I washed and wrapped my fine china, gently placing each piece in a box marked “fragile”. Then I opened up my large storage closet filled with dusty cobwebs and faded memories. I rummaged my way through, like a pirate searching through a treasure chest. I was caught off guard, as each object evoked a distinct emotion; some good, some bad, but all very powerful. As I sat in the middle of the floor, polishing away the dust and wiping away the tears, I realized that I was just as “fragile” as my china. I began to pray. After my conversation with God and a good cry (not the cute kind), I knew that everything was going to be ok.

If you are wondering to yourself, what tumultuous circumstance or chaotic set of events led me to my temporary meltdown, just remember this. It doesn’t matter if it is the death of a loved one, the ending of a marriage, or the loss of a job, transition can be difficult. So instead of beating yourself up for having moments of vulnerability, you should applaud yourself for moving through those moments, because mourning the memories is a normal part of your healing process. As long as you do not allow yourself to get stuck in a place of mourning, you should witness a healthy progression. I have heard many people say, “That which doesn’t kill you, will only make you stronger,” and as I sit here stronger today then I was yesterday, I would have to agree.