Carlita's Way

September 27, 2010

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And friends this is Carlita's Way - Bothering people since the 70's...

September 14, 2010 
By Carlita Campos

For those of you who don't know me I love movies, so much so I got a college degree in film and writing just so I could try to gain access into the cult that is Hollywood. My love for films ALL kinds of films fueled my desire to write great films be it comedies, dramas, or just plain nonsense. My love of film is still so great that every time I watch a movie I not only critique every aspect of the film but I also recite the lines almost/MOST times verbatim at the same time as the character and I had never even seen a scene from whichever film it was. I guess in all of my years watching films, studying film, and writing films I've become some what of an expert - even if I'm not getting paid...

Anyhoo it is from this expertise I will make all film statements be it about the cinematography, story, or acting. Because after many years of paying for theatrical views of films and Beta VHS Laser & DVD rentals I am sure that I have many times over paid my Hollywood Union dues.

Now for the review which is not of a film but of an actress. Hilary "Snoozfest 2000forever" Swank bores me to death. And YES she has made 2 outstanding films in which she was amazing but that's it. There is nothing else. Sure you may have liked her in other films I don't know their names but in this reviewers opinion Boys Don't Cry and Million Dollar Baby which if you really enjoy movies like I do you know that her performance was NOT the only reason you enjoyed either flick.

"Boys" was amazingly deep because really, girl (Brandon Teena) was "all in" right? I mean she totally taped down and stuffed herself to be a dude and to not be a girl?!? Ladies is it that bad being a chick? For me, no. I loves me some pink. Regardless, that story was so deep in itself any good actress could have pulled it off and we would have still wept.

And "Million $" was Clint Eastwood at his finest. Plus Morgan Freeman was there pushing their skills. Clint directed it and the story had no choice but to be bomb. Because the dude who wrote it (Paul Haggis) took it from a short story by a dude who was offered a writing contract because of 1 piece he submitted to a Readers Digest sort of periodical.

All I'm saying is that our fair Hilary has been surrounded by great teams who push her talents and creative levels. Without major support she is not much. Just a good actress. I only even mention her now because I just read that she has another film coming out "Conviction" and I really want to see it. The story sounds banans, the cast is strong, the director is a cool TV director and is old Hollywood so this maybe one worth checking out. If it makes it to Spain then I'll see it and let you know.

Oh yeah see Machete, great stuff. Glad to see Robert Rodriguez getting his mojo back.

Well that's my rant for the day - you know Carlita's way...

*****Don't forget to check out my website I just posted a new article called Titties Titties Everywhere. Also don't forget to check out latest installment of the CRA... Let me know what you think you can comment on the Carlita's Camp as well.

September 8, 2010 

You Lose Gaga and et al!
By Carlita Campos

No Gaga I will not buy Your records just because You sucked our fair Beyonce into pretending to be Your lesbian lover!

Screw You Justin Bieber You're to young and too fucking goofy to ever be truly accepted by anyone other than some silly 5th graders. Yeah Bub, I saw You cry on that video when Your goofy little ass tried to walk through that door! And yeah my dude said he saw a clear video of You tearing up when someone pelted You with a water bottle. Those dummies, don't they know the fun and symbolism is in a good old fashioned tomato tossing?

And YEAH Nicki Minaj I'm thinking You're the new Foxy Brown Lil Kim fusion mix and You know what I ain't buying it...

And Ri Ri You may have THEM fooled but I am not. I stand by my initial statement YOUR MUSIC SUCKS! Shout out to my slightly more talented girl Ciara GET ON YOUR GAME, or get out of it. You can just model and marry well (THINK) ;-)

And I just heard it but I CERTAINLY hope it ain't so, Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith's lil girl has swagger? WTF? I ain't got no swagger. And shit I ain't got not swagger. How does a nothing year old have it??? With that said I will not buy Your record either! And because I don't want to be brainwashed by the subliminal messages I'm sure Your bigger than life parents are paying to have inserted into Your video I refuse to watch it.

A message to the whole lot of You I can only say thank doG wax records are obsolete because I am sure playing them backwards would definitely call Satan to come and take us away and condemn us to an eternity in Hell because we were stupid enough to even listen. So to reiterate You Lose Gaga, I will NOT buy Your shitty records!

Don't forget to check out my website Carlita's click the link....

September 3, 2010

The Crown Royal  Avenger
By Carlita Campos

SHE HAS ARRIVED! That's right friends the Crown Royal Avenger is coming Carlita's Way! If you don't know her, you better get to. Because she's young, she's smart, she's drunk plus she's pissed the fuck off! If you are a doer of injustice or a practitioner of hypocrisy or just a plain bullshit artist BEWARE because the C.R.A. don't play that!

Don't forget to check The CRA out at her home on my camp. See you there!


Always living life Carlita's way I have achieved something that others only have dreamed of - I'VE FOLLOWED NO MAN'S RULES! I conform to nothing because I stand for something... Having traveled extensively in the USA and abroad and being a genuine people person and constant thinker and questioner I've encountered and pontificated with a variety of people from all corners of the globe on an array of subjects ranging from Politics to Entertainment to matters of the heart. Through my travels, adventures, and encounters I have developed a pragmatic World View. It is my hope to outline the many wonders of the World and the craziness that accompanies it. So unite with me as we learn more about, well just about everything that tickles my fancy or pisses me the H-E- Double Hockey Sticks off, because friends I am Carlita Campos and this is
Carlita's Way! Bothering People Since the 70's...

Also please checkout my personal blog!


  1. Yay!!!!!!!!! :-) It's on...smilin' and as always, Smooches

  2. I LOVE IT!!!!

    I know that's right Chica!!! If You don't stand for something You will fall for any damn thing!
    C.R.A is my Girl, so I can't wait to see whose ass she's gonna put on a platter next! (sort of a vicarious living type of thing, lol)

    Love You Mamacita!!!
    Bring It!

  3. Alright then! I love CRA she's rapidly becoming one of my favorite heroes!
    In the words of my favorite editor, Write On!
    love ya!

  4. Finally, A superhero I can relate to. Love It!!

  5. That was really good namesake~

  6. I am ecsatic that you are fighting medocrity in the so-called music business and other venues....who is justin bieber and why do the folk in this country believe that he and beyonce and many others are talented and worth all the money they are given..........?

  7. Thank you Readers! The CRA is so a happy to be able to serve up her special brand of justice here on mmmmmandm! So you all tell them to watch their mouths because the CRA is watching their asses!

    Yes Queen someone must say it. I know many of my own crew are fans of at least one of these, but for me---please. I like my hearing!

  8. (((((sigh)))))...Well I was till I read this!
    Thanks Chica for busting my listening bubble!

  9. Say whatever but I hear Will Smiths daughters song and I was like this the little girl that had the mohawk at the BET awards??? I whip my hair listening to the catchy beat!! KEEP WRITING!! I AM!!

  10. Noooo, pay not attention to me! I have very specific music tastes and I am now realizing I am funny acting. Give me Keyshia Cole and my Mary Mary Mary, Marrryy and I am pretty happy. Even throw in a little Trey Songz, Jeremih, & yeah OK Maroon 5 and I'm set. I can name many more far worthy of our praise, but I've already ranted. Oh yeah by the way, I HATE JAZZ.

  11. I would have to agree with you on the newer artist's and the music as I am not too impressionable myself! You crack me up. I LOVE YOU FOR MANY REASONS, this is ONE! Shelley

  12. I Love You Chica!
    Keep Living Life LOUDLY!!!!
    Those who stand for nothing, fall for anything!

  13. The subliminal message inserted on the music of the latest Smith progeny to make their big splash:

    "Buy me. C' me. I look just like my Dad...see? I can be 'sassy' like my mom...see? I'm just a cute, precocious, talented child...with parents who happen to be mega-large in me...and boost my numbers"

    Here's a thought...

    I'll be ecstatic when I hear one of the Smith kids is becoming say...a veterinarian, or an environmental activist...or anything besides an entertainer.

  14. Briscoe, CHURCH!!!!


  15. Briscoe!!!!

    What can I say! You bring up real thoughts!!!
    Love it!

  16. LOVE IT! NICE TOUCH! I do love million dollar baby!

  17. It is always saddening when leaders fall or are attacked. The key to all of this right now is that they are "allegations." Whenever a child is mislead, coerced, or forced into deviant behaviors it should ALWAYS be investigated no matter who it is. However, the high position is always the most vulnerable because it will ALWAYS expose weakness, vices and/or anomalous improprieties.
    One major issue in this is that when things like this happen people confuse the moment with the message. Leaders are moments in time that facilitate a measure based on a specific message. And when the leader becomes tainted people naturally throw away the entire message instead of keeping their opinions focused on the messenger. New Birth Ministries has a rich legacy of helping people in distressed communities and assisting internationally. The message is Christ; the moment is Bishop Eddie Long and when we over monumentalize people we will always be saddened when those monuments dissipate in the moment.
    An old axiom says that" pictures are worth a thousand words." The pictures are sexually suggestive if you want them to be however, they lend themselves more to a man being vain than him being a sexual predator. We all have a few photos that suggest a day or two of vanity. (Some of us expect to carry them into eternity.) Sexual predators do not hide in religion (yes @ Joyce) they hide everywhere. They are your next door neighbors, your family dentists; the garbage man, the florists and even some have had television sitcoms and yes, yes, YES have been pop singing icons. They use whatever mechanisms that are available in order to extend trust to those who are most in search of people to trust; our children. People allowing their children to sit on some Santa's laps have made more Christmas' merrier for the Santa than for the children. (wink)
    Lastly, let us review the facts: (1) We have four accusations (to be taken seriously), (2) We have a body-building pastor who preaches vehemently against homosexuality, (3) His church is located in Lithonia, Georgia a suburban community located right next to Atlanta, Georgia (which boasts of the largest gay population in the nation) and (4) New Birth has on record 33,000+ members some of whom can be suggestive to the gay lifestyle. Clergy has no right to deny membership of any peoples. If a parishioner exhibits the practices, teachings and testaments of a religion we are obliged to accept them as converts, regardless of our visual perspectives. Do you think that at some point his message may have offended someone? Do you think that a person can offend someone to the point of vengeance; to engage a person to enact an agenda?
    With all of that being said, if Bishop Eddie Long is guilty then he should change his name to Eddi and pay for his actions. But as of right now he has a better chance in the courts of law because the courts of public opinion will convict a diabetic for opting to take Sweet and Low instead of Domino sugar.

  18. It is always saddening when leaders fall or are attacked. The key to all of this right now is that they are "allegations." Whenever a child is mislead, coerced, or forced into deviant behaviors it should ALWAYS be investigated no matter who it is. However, the high position is always the most vulnerable because it will ALWAYS expose weakness, vices and/or anomalous improprieties.
    One major issue in this is that when things like this happen people confuse the moment with the message. Leaders are moments in time that facilitate a measure based on a specific message. And when the leader becomes tainted people naturally throw away the entire message instead of keeping their opinions focused on the messenger. New Birth Ministries has a rich legacy of helping people in distressed communities and assisting internationally. The message is Christ; the moment is Bishop Eddie Long and when we over monumentalize people we will always be saddened when those monuments dissipate in the moment.
    An old axiom says that" pictures are worth a thousand words." The pictures are sexually suggestive if you want them to be however, they lend themselves more to a man being vain than him being a sexual predator. We all have a few photos that suggest a day or two of vanity. (Some of us expect to carry them into eternity.) Sexual predators do not hide in religion (yes @ Joyce) they hide everywhere. They are your next door neighbors, your family dentists; the garbage man, the florists and even some have had television sitcoms and yes, yes, YES have been pop singing icons. They use whatever mechanisms that are available in order to extend trust to those who are most in search of people to trust; our children. People allowing their children to sit on some Santa's laps have made more Christmas' merrier for the Santa than for the children. (wink)
    Lastly, let us review the facts: (1) We have four accusations (to be taken seriously), (2) We have a body-building pastor who preaches vehemently against homosexuality, (3) His church is located in Lithonia, Georgia a suburban community located right next to Atlanta, Georgia (which boasts of the largest gay population in the nation) and (4) New Birth has on record 33,000+ members some of whom can be suggestive to the gay lifestyle. Clergy has no right to deny membership of any peoples. If a parishioner exhibits the practices, teachings and testaments of a religion we are obliged to accept them as converts, regardless of our visual perspectives. Do you think that at some point his message may have offended someone? Do you think that a person can offend someone to the point of vengeance; to engage a person to enact an agenda?
    With all of that being said, if Bishop Eddie Long is guilty then he should change his name to Eddi and pay for his actions. But as of right now he has a better chance in the courts of law because the courts of public opinion will convict a diabetic for opting to take Sweet and Low instead of Domino sugar.

  19. Chica I LMAO everytime I read that ad! I've been trying to keep up with our Mr. Long, but have You heard any further tidbits on this story?
