Thursday, April 14, 2011

Some Reflections About Acceptance

By Briscoe Pugh
For According to Me...By B

As we strive at each turn to realize our innate potential as beings of light and life, the duality of our existence is shown to us in stark terms.

Our every life-affirming process and intention is besieged by those forces bent upon feeding upon such organically occurring beauty without feeding it back.

Greed, arrogance and envy (amongst other things) infect every portion of the life and love cycle...unless acted upon with vigilance.

The key in my humble opinion is acceptance. The definition of the term which is most applicable here is twofold as I see it:

1) “To recognize as true.”
2) “To agree to undertake”

Acceptance acknowledges the power and fragility of the human vessel simultaneously...while also recognizing the seductive power of imbalanced destructive influences alongside the work to be done in developing past them.

In doing so, it also empowers he/she who engages in it with much needed clarity.

There is an engrained reflex of honesty in the process of acceptance. In acceptance we walk a straight path of non-avoidance and give ourselves the opportunity to earn the distinction of engaging in the evolutionary process in a way that is tangible.

It may at times feel that acceptance is unduly burdensome. I believe it should be...sometimes.

Acceptance like any true growth process hurts at times.

Much as our physical bodies are made stronger when subjected to some degree of resistance and discomfort, it is a must that we not allow the mental, emotional and spiritual processes we must develop our understanding of to atrophy.

I caution those who engage this process in a real way to not be swayed by misguided souls apt to take their acceptance as permissiveness. The difference in the two would be that in being permissive, one effectively relinquishes control and does not seek to affect either one’s self or circumstance in a positive manner. As those who do not or cannot distinguish observe either at work, many will presume it is all permissive and see weakness therein.

One who engages in acceptance stands firm on what he/she has acknowledged as what is true and actual and is not easily moved, but for the possibility of growth and progress.

So, my people...

I say,

Learn to accept, and then work to evolve.

Peace and progress

1 comment:

  1. Agree and disagree. Submission is all well and good for Ghandi but in the world I live in submission is almost equated with weakness. In the case of a mutual boss that we have I have shown submission to the point of pointing my paws to the sky and allowing the alpha female to scratch my belly in order to allow myself the benefit of an income at the cost of dignity. This should never be allowed unless one has the means to survive a confrontation over such a slight. I find your argument compelling but not all inclusive on how one choses to accept...
