Monday, March 14, 2011

True "Centrism"

By Briscoe Pugh
For According to me...By B

Political and social divergence and the various ways each shapes and informs the other reflects the desperation of a world wherein people feel more and more comfortable speaking and dealing in absolutes.

True center has been lost.

If you happen to be what is deemed a “right winger” or identify most consistently with the perspective most readily recognizable as conservative, it has become something of a requirement now that you express a reflexive condemnation of everything even slightly left of that stated position. Though once only embraced by fringe elements of the conservative contingent, this reflex has been encouraged (largely by way of conscious neglect) by conservative leadership who rode the crest of a tidal wave of conservative extremism...which I tend to believe they found wasn’t as much fun once they fell off of it and the wave crashed into the shore.

Too many amongst the conservative family tend to have embraced a reflex whereby one “squares off” and “throws blows” in order to get the bloodthirsty (on either side) to cheer for someone to “win the fight” as opposed to addressing an issue so that problems may be solved.

It seems now to be considered a actual “virtue” by conservatives to find something...anything to make a lot of people afraid of, then jump on board while the rank and file load shotguns, light torches and quote bible verses in pursuit of their “foreign/radical/just plain NOT THEM” quarry.

For my liberal and/or “left-wing” brethren and sistren:

Many of us had been lulled to sleep. There was this idea that the ever-elusive, modern, manifestation of true “antidisestablishmentarianism” had somehow been realized by one incredibly articulate, hugely dynamic, ambitious “multi-ethnic” having been elected as U.S. President. So many of us were so busy basking in the euphoria of that moment that we’d forgotten to serve the purpose we are supposed to serve as human beings in a politically precarious landscape:

Speak truth to power and hold influence accountable.

Our absolute support for our brother and EVERYTHING he did or proposed drove too many of us into a wholesale denial reflex, wherein any opposition to him, his methods or his policies were seen as some sort of attack or affront to him as a person. This stance gained particular support when it was apparent that those on the conservative end of things WERE actually resorting to personal attacks and outright lies to somehow denigrate any policy he deemed necessary as President (a.k.a. “The Black dude now holding the bag after the heist”).

Let’s be clear that it isn’t safe as a practical matter to lavish one’s trust onto ANY U.S. President. By virtue of maintaining the positioning of the United States in the world arena, a U.S. President has to become a liar, thief and murderer by cold, hard necessity.

I can no more condone his actions simply because he looks a bit more like me than every other president than I can despise the totality of someone else’s because they look nothing like me.

He is indeed my brother...and for that reason I am all the more critical of him...just as I am with myself and my people.

He needs us...not as “yes people,” but as a check and balance to the conscience he campaigned for each of us to follow in terms of how we judge all who govern.

Yes, my people...I believe that euphoric acquiescence can be just as extreme as blind hatred.

I also find that too many of my beautiful people on the liberal side of things find it necessary (as conservatives do as well) to embrace “B.S.” ideological issues over (and often in direct conflict with) practicality.

I keep seeing a particular liberal commentator (whom I actually like) rail against the size of the ammunition magazines used by Jared Lee Loughner when he shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (and several others...some fatally) in Tucson in January. The issue he seems to have clung to is one those who seek more prohibitive gun legislation will often (erroneously) cite.

The issue I speak of is that which is raised about Loughner having had 30 round magazines for his Glock 9mm, semiautomatic pistol. The standard magazine that comes in the box with the weapon at purchase holds 15 rounds...which is typical of most standard size 9mm handguns.

To put it plainly:

Loughner would have been no less dangerous without the 30-round magazine (which is a popular aftermarket item). When dealing with a weapon which can be reloaded and readied to shoot in a matter of 2 seconds (even less with practice), there then exists no real difference between his 30-round aftermarket mag and the two 15 round mags which came with it.

Again...this is but one example of stupidity from what I see as a liberal reflex that loses its grip on practical matters by way of a conspicuous lack of information.

But, alas...

I think the world over the last few months has actually helped show the liberal family what it actually means to speak actual, relevant truth to power.

The rampant uprisings in the Arab world by the poor and the oppressed against machines put in place specifically to suppress the very rebellions they engage in RIGHT NOW is sending a message to those everywhere that

a) political power can be shaped by the people if they have the fortitude to COLLECTIVELY dissent and resist

b) financial backing and lobbying are NOTHING without the collective will of the people

The protests in Wisconsin, Ohio and Iowa on behalf of collective bargaining rights for public employee unions are perfect examples of this. (Note: I actually don’t believe that the actions and voices of those who protest in these states will be heeded ultimately. I personally believe the conservative establishment will run over EVERYTHING they propose, largely because the conservative establishment feels it has a point to prove by moving against unions and can always justify it in this struggling economy by quoting dollar amounts and framing the term “collective bargaining” as something inherently evil and corrupt.)

My point here is that the lack of a true “center” in socio-political discourse is causing the exchange to be inherently corrupt.

The only way to truly attack things from the center, to at least attempt an objective perspective is to acknowledge ONE crucial commonality:

Our collective humanity.

Once ALL parties in any discussion can do THAT...

That is, find our center by individually centering ourselves...we are actually having a discussion and not some battle of attrition.

Peace and progress, my people.


  1. Well played, Briscoe! I've been accused of espousing "conservative propaganda" for even questioning the way the left operates. I think it's the job of any progressive to be as critical of those we support as we are of those we oppose ... even if I don't think the other side is as reciprocally introspective as they could be ;-)
