Sassy Cee~E~O

September 21, 2010

Let me wipe away your tears.

Raise your glass. Cheers! Let’s toast to all these years. / My beautiful wife let me wipe away your tears. / I’m sorry! Stop crying! Can’t you see that I am trying? / It will never happen again. That girl was just a friend. / This time is different, be patient with me. I’ll prove my love, just wait and see. // Now look what you made me do, you kept pressing your luck. How much can one man take? I’m only human, what the f***/ I am tired of your nagging; you keep telling me you’re hurt. I don’t want to hear it; I just got home from work. / A man is going to be a man, It’s just the way it is. A woman should be a lady and look after the kids. / I pay the cost to be the boss, so please just let me rest. You always make me hit you. You cause me too much stress. / My beautiful wife let me wipe away your tears. Raise your glass. Cheers! Let’s toast to all these years.

Setember 1, 2010

The Light Skin vs The Dark Skin
Alicia Keys and Fantasia

By Celena Howard the Sassy C~E~O
Skin Home-wrecker Debateten by ATLien

The urban media has dogged both Fantasia and Keys for their indiscretions, but mainstream media grabbed Fantasia’s story like a rabid dog while almost ignoring the illicit actions of Keys. But why? Is it because Alicia is a biracial diva from up north while Fantasia is a dark skinned chick from the south? What are your thoughts on this?


Of course I have an opinion on this issue. I think the whole thing is ridiculous. I feel that it is a twisted effort by the man, oops…I mean the media to try and fuel another divide and conquer strategy against the already dysfunctional African American community. However this rumor got started, I think that it is a blatant attempt to fuel a slow burning fire. Both women have experienced their share of bad publicity over their “home-wrecker” status, but I think the real difference is that Fantasia’s rival, Paula, is relentless and will not rest until the world knows that Fantasia has destroyed her marriage. I am not sure that I blame her, because why shouldn’t she (Paula) get her fifteen minutes of fame during a very stressful time.

Moshanda twitted her disapproval of Alicia Key’s relationship with her husband constantly and we the fans hissed at Alicia as well. But at the end of the day, Fantasia trying to commit suicide over her name being drug through the mud by her married boyfriend’s wife made for a much better story than Alicia Keys and Moshanda's ex-husband exchanging nuptials while awaiting the arrival of their new child.


September 1, 2010

By Celena Howard

Holding hands walking through the butterflies/ My hearts racing as you gently cover my eyes… Feeling oh so vulnerable, trusting you to guide me/ The peaceful sounds of waterfalls, as you stand beside me... You take your hands from my eyes and teardrops start to fall/ Not just because of the beautiful view, but the essence of it all...I had finally convinced myself, that good men don’t exist/ Then you galloped in like a knight, and completely destroyed the myth...........

Celena Howard is the Author of Making Change and its sequel Changing The Game. These two novels fall under the genre of Urban Fiction, African American Lit, or Street Lit. However, Celena credits herself as being a versatile author who writes and publishes on a vast array of topics and genres. She is also the Owner of CeJa Publishing, a company designed as an outlet to continue her love for writing and publishing as well as a way to help others to get their stories heard. She is a loving wife and mother of five beautiful children and two adorable grandchildren. Celena is adding to her CeJa Publishing family and has recently signed two very talented authors. Expect great things to come!!

Celena knew that she had the gift of storytelling and writing at a very young age. She would create stories in her mind and share them with her siblings leaving them speechless as they clung to her every word. She even declared herself a rapper at one point in her teenage life (LOL) writing lyrics to fast beats and performing at block parties and in front of family and friends.

Celena’s ability to captivate an audience and her love for writing came full circle in 2008 when she, along with her partner Janice Davis, decided to embark on the world of writing and publishing as a means to get through a difficult time in their personal lives. Celena received an overwhelming response to her first novel Making Change when it was released in 2008. She followed up in 2010 with the highly anticipated release of the sequel Changing the Game to which she received the same accolades.

When she is not writing, Celena loves jet skiing, swimming, shopping, fashion, and conversing with others on various topics of interest (debating). She has an overwhelming passion for helping the youth, especially young girls. This passion led to her starting her own charitable organization SUPREME DOLLS which provides resources to young ladies from the inner city by providing them with mentors, tutors, and resources to help empower and educate them.

My goal on this website is to provide helpful information on various topics such as self-publishing, fashion, relationships, health, fitness, beauty, cooking, politics and much more. I plan to approach these topics from MY point of view so be prepared to respectfully disagree on a few issues. Follow me on this wonderful journey called life, and feel free to take a few notes as I share some of the things that I learn along the way. God Bless!!

For Book Publishing info contact: Celena


  1. Ready to get this party started!

  2. Very nice you a star!

  3. Hey Celena!!!

    Gal Your pic makes me feel like smiling for no reason! Your enthusiasm for all You do exudes from Your picture.
    I'm honored to be taking this journey with You!
    Let's Gooooo!

  4. I was really mad at Alicia Keys, because she was flaunting the shit she did! Fanatasia at least tried to keep it on the down low! I have no respect for women who seek out to destroy a family, so they both have the same status to me!
    Homewrecker! They come in all varieties!

  5. I totally agree Tee but do you think their skin color played any part in how they were treated?

  6. Hey Love!

    Oh shit, not to be contrary, but what gets me the most about both of these stories is how, the media, and people in general are ready to tar and feather the women, with no real mention of the men's indiscretions.

    See the way I see it, the men are the ones who owed something to said wives...not necessarily the women...why are we going after them at all???

    As far as the Light vs. Dark theory...I don't think it has anything to do with that at all. Forgive me, because I might just be a conspiracy theorist. Alicia's drama didn't play out all like that, because SHE didn't NEED it to...remember with fame, ALL attention is "Good" attention.

    With Fantasia, I wouldn't be surprised if her publicist told her that this would help push her back into the spotlight...the world loves a good scandal U know...did any of us SEE her in the hospital after her alleged suicide attempt???

  7. Great article! To me, color only matters if money comes in chocolate or high yellow because usually when discussing 2 black chicks does our internal struggle matter i.e. the media doesn't care to them it's Beyonce & Rhianna... I think Fantasia's played out so roughly because her people leaked it to the man and she is the more broke of the 2 diva's. All press is good press. Alicia Keys is a Superstar marrying Swiz 1 of the top Producers in the land (can you say Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis, Teddy Riley and Lil Jon all in 1) Beats. Fantasia won a contest (& what's dudes name?)... The man/media only knows so much because people tell them. And yeah Fanny's future baby's daddy's wife does deserve her 15 even if its only in our World... So either way they both win.

  8. LOL...well said ladies, well said.

  9. Colorism is no joke.

    It's the racism within the race. What is so sick about it is the way many of us race to judgement based purely on externalisms. It is the sickness we appropriated from an oppressor and tailored it to accomodate our competition for position within our collective status as an underclass.

    Thank you for dealing with this very touchy of subjects. Much respect, Celena.

  10. LOVE THAT PICTURE! Great work!

  11. Wow, Celena.

    I was expecting something completely different from what I got in that poem.

    Kudos for illuminating some portion of the thought process of those men who explore their "inner Ike Turner."
